° Asimov, Isaac - The Foundation Trilogy, all 1st editions, all in unclipped d/j’, all Gnome

° Asimov, Isaac - The Foundation Trilogy, all 1st editions, all in unclipped d/j’, all Gnome Press, New York - Foundation, 1951; Foundation and Empire, 1952; Second Foundation, 1953, with , The Stars Like Dust, 1st edition in unclipped d/j, Doubleday & Co., Garden City, 1951; The Currents of Space, 1st edition in unclipped d/j, Doubleday & Co., Garden City, 1952 and An Essay Introduction to the Slide Rule, with unclipped d/j, Ronald Whiting & Wheaton. London, 1966, all in unclipped d/js' (6)
